Tissue Regenix Group plc opens new Leeds-based manufacturing centre
Date: May 13, 2016
Leeds, UK, May 2016 – Tissue Regenix Group plc (a Medical Technologies IKC partner) is pleased to announce the official opening of its new Leeds-based manufacturing centre. This opening is the culmination of a merger between the York and Leeds sites and brings together the full weight of the Tissue Regenix capabilities, in this newly renovated multi-functional facility. The pioneering medical technology company – which uses biological (human and animal) materials to make replacement human tissues – has a strong Leeds-based heritage, having begun at The University of Leeds, and now boasts offices and partners across the US, EU and South America.
The dCELL® story began in the year 2000 at the University of Leeds, when scientists developed the technology in the university lab. Tissue Regenix was established to bring this treatment to the global market and this year will celebrate its 10th anniversary. Short for decellularisation, the dCELL® process uses biological materials such as porcine (tissue taken from pigs) to regenerate healthy tissue in injured patients, addressing critical clinical needs in areas such as wound care, sports injuries and heart valve replacement.
dCELL® technology is already being used in the treatment of chronic and acute wounds through DermaPure® specifically addressing the wounds caused as a side effect of diabetes. DermaPure®, has been shown to be extremely effective – 60% of patients, with a history of minimal response to other appropriate modalities, whose wounds were covered with a single application of DermaPure®exhibited complete healing.
The Leeds site will initially focus on the production of decellurised porcine tissue for the treatment of orthopaedic sports injuries, such as ligament repair and meniscus replacement, with these applications currently in clinical trials within the EU. SurgiPure™ XD, our Porcine dermis derived application, which recently received 510k market clearance from the FDA in the US, for the repair of hernias or body wall defects, will also be manufactured at the new Leeds Site.
Eileen Ingham, one of the original researchers from the University of Leeds, who was recently elected to the fellowship of the Academy of Medical Sciences for contribution to medical research and healthcare, the generation of new knowledge in medical sciences and its translation into benefits to society, was at the site today for the opening commenting; “Being able to originate this research and see it be applied to real life situations, changing the lives of patients around the world, through Tissue Regenix is truly fantastic. It’s wonderful for the community to have the manufacturing site situated in Leeds where the research originated and I am truly excited to see the potential of dCELL® realised.”
Tony Hewitt, Director of UK Operations, Tissue Regenix, said: “We are extremely pleased to announce the official opening of our new manufacturing and development centre. The facility provides us with the space and capacity we need as we progress the commercialisation of our products. Additionally, having the entire UK
Operations team based at the same site will lead to synergies across our business, allowing us to bring therapies to market more quickly than ever before. At Tissue Regenix we’re extremely proud of our Leeds roots and want to continue our close relationship with the university as well as the local community.”
From its humble beginnings, Tissue Regenix now employs over 70 people worldwide and continues to commercialise the products of academic research conducted by a network of partners around the world. With increased life expectancy driving unprecedented demand for new technologies, the next phase for the company is turning its attention to orthopaedic sports medicine, and the huge demand for regenerative medical treatments here.
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