New Healthtech Catalyst to accelerate healthtech innovation and economic growth
Date: May 12, 2021
A wide range of support for businesses, innovators, entrepreneurs healthcare providers and commissioners and researchers goes live this month to catalyse and accelerate economic growth and the adoption of healthtech innovation.
The University of Leeds is a core part of the new Healthtech Catalyst, which underpins the ambitions of our regional, cross-sector healthtech partnership.
The Healthtech Catalyst will link to expertise from industry, academia, the public sector, investor networks and entrepreneurs to stimulate innovation and commercialisation.
Through events, workshops and direct introductions, this will include access to:
- information, advice and guidance
- practical advice such as product pitching, being investor-ready and economic modelling
- workforce skills and training.
Set up by Leeds Academic Health Partnership on behalf of our regional healthtech leadership group, the free-to-join Healthtech Catalyst sits at the heart of our global healthtech hub. The Leeds City Region is home to more than a fifth of the UK’s digital health jobs and hundreds of digital and healthtech businesses supplying the health and care sector.
Through new regional, national and international collaborations, the Healthtech Catalyst will strengthen the Leeds City Region as the engine of innovation across the City Region and the nation.
Dr Liz Mear, Managing Director, Leeds Academic Health Partnership, said: “Health technologies can help people better manage their own health and health conditions, while relieving the pressure on, and the costs of, our precious health and care services.
“During the pressures of the pandemic, we’ve seen amazing new levels of collaboration across organisational boundaries, creative thinking and fast adoption of digital and technological solutions. And we now need to accelerate that kind of adoption.
“Our region has a thriving health and care business sector. These businesses are a vital part of our region’s economic recovery and to offering new and better ways to provide care. I encourage people to sign up to our Healthtech Catalyst and find out what support it offers them.”
To join, visit the Healthtech Catalyst website
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