
NBIC 1st Proof of Concept Call now open till 24th Aug 2018

Date: July 13, 2018


In their first Proof of Concept (PoC) call, the National Biofilms Innovation Centre (NBIC) are looking for proposals that involve a joint collaboration between at least one Company (micro, SME or large) or stakeholder with a UK presence and one (or more) UK University / Research Institution, which should be a part of the NBIC consortium.

The project will be expected to establish the feasibility of a concept, idea or technology from any application sector which is aimed at preventing, detecting, managing or engineering biofilms. This can be in a laboratory, model or real world setting in order to give confidence for further work.

The PoC programme is not aimed at basic research, but is expected to build on existing research, findings or technology and show how the collaboration will move the research towards practical exploitation in a specified application. In Technology Readiness Level (TRL) terms then these projects are likely to be at levels 2-4.

Key dates

Call Closes: August 24th 2018

Decisions: by end of September and offer letters in October.

The collaborative PoC application should be jointly written between the industrial partner and academic collaborator but must be submitted by the lead academic from the NBIC affiliated Research Institution.

For institutions not yet acceded to NBIC there will be one more date for the accession process ahead of this first call closing of Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Questions and application form

Application form: Can be found here.

NBIC understands there will be questions around process and content, and are working on a series of FAQs but in the meantime please direct any questions to either or

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