New IKC guide launched for knowledge exchange professionals to maximise innovation success


New IKC guide launched for knowledge exchange professionals to maximise innovation success

Date: June 1, 2022

The Medical Technologies IKC and Grow MedTech has launched their final good practice guide for knowledge exchange and commercialisation (KEC) practitioners at the PraxisAuril annual conference.

‘Bridging the innovation funding gap: Maximising proof of concept success’ explains how proof of concept grants enable academic researchers – with input from industry and support from an in-house sector specialist – to demonstrate that their idea has economic potential and can lead to real user benefits.

Launching at the annual Praxis Auril conference in Brighton through an interactive, digital exhibition stand, the guide will be premiered to a world-leading professional association for UK Knowledge Exchange practitioners. The guide will also be hosted by PraxisAuril in its online resources area, available to anyone with an interest in KEC whether they are members of association or not.

“We know that researchers are increasingly expected to cross the valley of death between research and successful innovation as they seek to bring basic research to the market” says Tamsin Mann, Director of Policy & Communications for Praxis Auril. “We’re thrilled the guides on proof of concept will be launched at our conference and highlighted to our members to support towards this goal.”

“Our team have developed a successful approach to innovation over the last 13 years” says Rowan Grant, Communications and Engagement Manager for the Medical Technologies IKC and Grow MedTech. “We wanted share our learning on how to source and select the most promising research projects for proof of concept funding, and how to support them projects to ensure a maximum chance of success. Whilst our approach was developed for the commercialisation of medical technologies, it’s relevant to other sectors too, so we are really excited to be launching it at this specialist conference in person.”

The guide is available as an accessible, interactive PDF for both desktop and mobile, and can be viewed in a web browser or downloaded to the users’ own resource library. It offers step by step advice on how to maximise value from a POC scheme in user friendly infographics and illustrations.

The second part of the guide is a case study of the Medical Technology IKC’s successful approach to innovation.

Visit the  ‘‘Bridging the innovation funding gap: Maximising proof of concept success’ webpage now.

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