Abstracts open for MEIbioeng15 – the largest ever UK gathering of biomedical engineers, bioengineers


Abstracts open for MEIbioeng15 – the largest ever UK gathering of biomedical engineers, bioengineers

Date: March 14, 2015

Abstract submission is now open for MEIbioeng15 on 7th and 8th September 2015 at the University of Leeds.

The Scientific Advisory Panel of nine internationally recognised scientists and research leaders welcome abstracts across nine themes, including scientific research areas, commercial translation and careers and outreach.

Top abstracts will be selected for oral presentation; all abstracts will present a poster and be published in the conference programme and abstracts book (with ISBN number).

MEIbioeng15 also intends to offer an abstracts bursary programme to encourage early submission, offered on a first come, first served basis.

Our event has evolved to be the national biomedical engineering event for the UK, originating from the community developed through the former Centres of Excellence in Medical Engineering in the UK (funded by Wellcome Trust and EPSRC from 2009) and The Bioengineering Society Annual Meeting – attracting participants from leading academic centres and the medical technology industry.

For further information on how to submit an abstract and the guidelines visit theabstracts submission page of the event website

The deadline for submission is midnight 31st March 2015.

Find out more about the conference on our website: http://meibioeng.org/
Read more about each track: http://meibioeng.org/track-profiles/

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