Regener8 Annual Conference 2014
Date: September 17, 2014 @ 9:00 AM
Location: Parkinson Court, University of Leeds
The Pathway to Innovation for Regenerative Therapies
The Regener8 Annual Conference is a one day meeting focussed solely on the translation and commercialisation of regenerative medicine. The event is aimed at academics, clinicians and industry representatives who are involved in the field of regenerative medicine and related areas.
This year’s Regener8 Annual Conference will take place on Wednesday 17 September, at the University of Leeds. The theme for this year’s event will be ‘The Pathway to Innovation for Regenerative Therapies’ and will feature presentations from Regener8-funded projects, as well as industry keynote speakers.
Speakers include key industry figures and RegenMed translational pioneers who will discuss early stage research projects, collaborative R&D and successful translation of new regenerative medicine tools and therapies.
9.00-10.00 Registration, networking, exhibition & poster viewing
10.00-10.15 Welcome – Prof John Fisher, Executive Director, Regener8
Opening Address – Sir Alan Langlands, Vice Chancellor, University of Leeds
10.15-10.40 KEYNOTE – Kevin Baughan, Director of Technology & Innovation, Technology Strategy Board
10.40-10.55 PoC Project presentation: Prof Paul Hatton, University of Sheffield
Bioactive cements and pre-set porous scaffolds to promote bone tissue regeneration
10.55-11.10 PoC Project presentation: Dr Ifty Ahmed, University of Nottingham
Manufacturing Bone Tissue Using Resorbable Porous Calcium Phosphate Microspheres Loaded with Autologous Stem Cells
11.10-11.25 PoC Project presentation: Prof Gordon Blunn, UCL
The use of de-mineralised bone and cellularised de-mineralised bone in rotator cuff repair
11.25-11.55 Refreshments, networking, exhibition & poster viewing
11.55-12.15 KEYNOTE – Dr John Stageman, Bionow and Biomedical Catalyst Major Awards Committee
12.15-12.35 KEYNOTE – Prof Jim Shaw, Professor of Regenerative Medicine for Diabetes, Newcastle University
12.35-12.50 PoC Project presentation: Prof Jenny Southgate, University of York
Bladder-Derived Natural Acellular Matrix for Urinary Tract Application
12.50-2.15 Lunch, networking, exhibition and poster viewing
2.15-2.30 PoC Project presentation: Prof David Watts, University of Manchester
Polymeric scaffolds functionalised for periodontal repair
2.30-2.45 PoC Project presentation: Prof Serena Best, University of Cambridge
CamRegen Scaffolds for Cardiac Repair
2.45-3.00 PoC Project presentation: Dr Tahera Ansari, Northwick Park Institute for Medical Research
Small bowel replacement and regeneration
3.00-3.15 Regener8 Early Career Researcher network update
3.15-3.45 Refreshments, networking, exhibition and poster viewing
3.45-4.10 KEYNOTE 4 – Dr Wilfried Dalemans, Chief Technical Officer, TiGenix
4.10-4.35 KEYNOTE – Dr. Rob Buckle, Director of the UKRMP and Head of Regenerative Medicine, MRC
4.35-4.45 Announcement of poster competition award and headline sponsor address, followed by final remarks and close
4.45-6.00 Drinks reception, networking and exhibition
You can also download the programme here.
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