Case Study

Video: Working in partnership with Tissue Regenix

Date: November 3, 2015

Regenerative medical technology company Tissue Regenix Group is a prime example of what can be achieved when the worlds of academia and business come together.

The company was spun out of research conducted at the University of Leeds, looking at the potential of decellurising biological materials from human or animal donor tissues, crucially leaving intact a receptive matrix for patients’ own cells to build upon, regenerating healthy tissue in damaged or worn out areas of the body.

A pioneer in its industry, Tissue Regenix remains committed to ongoing research and improved patient outcomes, particularly within the areas of cardiac, wound care and sports medicine.

In this video, CEO Antony Odell and his team tell the Telegraph Business Club how the enterprise has grown from its intriguing, fledgling university research to become an international concern.

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