UK Clinical Research Facilities Network Annual Conference in Leeds on 12th & 13th July 2018
Date: June 7, 2018 @ 2:01 PM
Location: Royal Armouries, Armouries Drive, Leeds LS10 1LT
Leeds Clinical Research Facility are pleased to be hosting the UK Clinical Research Facilities Network 14th Annual Conference this year at the Royal Armouries in Leeds. This will take place on Thursday 12th and Friday 13th July 2018.
The theme of the event is “Seeing is Believing – Imaging and Digital Technologies in the 21st Century”. Whilst not a conference focusing on basic science and engineering, it promises to be an interesting opportunity for academics to learn more about clinical uses of some of technology and the challenges of undertaking clinical / translational research from an interestingly different angle.
Registration closes Friday 29 June 2018
More information can be found at http://leedscrf.nihr.ac.uk/ukcrf-2018/
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