SME clinic: innovation and growth
Date: July 16, 2014 @ 9:00 AM
Location: White Cloth Gallery
This event will help established SMEs and high growth innovative start-ups learn about the importance of design and Intellectual Property (IP) Rights, and how they can be used to innovate, grow and add significant value to your business.
Kirsty Edwards, IP expert
Intellectual Property Office
Andy Cripps, Design Associate
Design Council
You will learn how design can:
– stimulate innovation in different market sectors
– support the development of business strategy
– attract onward investment
– support development of innovative products and services
– increase market share and sustain growth
Then hear from experts on the four main areas of IP:
– trade marks
– patents
– designs
– copyright
and how using them properly will maximise the value of your business.
This will interest
This seminar will benefit established SMEs and high growth
innovative start-ups who wish to understand more about the
added value of design and IP, and how they can help them
take the next steps towards growing their business vision
and output.
NB: This seminar is not suitable for pre-start-ups
Register your interest in attending here: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/sme-clinic-innovationand-growth-tickets-10753019571
For further information call either:
David Hopkins
Business Engagement Manager
Intellectual Property Office
Tel: +44 (0)1633 814041
Ann Crawley
Services Manager
Design Council
Tel: +44 (0)207 420 5221
Intellectual Property