EPSRC LCMH Research Showcase and Future Directions event
Date: July 5, 2021 @ 12:02 PM
Location: Online
5-6 July 2021
An exciting showcase and future directions event from the EPSRC Liverpool Centre for Mathematics in Healthcare (LCMH), established in 2015 at the University of Liverpool in partnership with Lancaster University and Liverpool John Moores University.
The programme brings together academic researchers, clinicians and industry to share latest research findings and celebrate how multidisciplinary research is making a difference to the healthcare sector. It is also an opportunity to identify potential new collaborations in the context of emerging challenges and opportunities for the next generation of mathematics-related research for healthcare.
Day 1 – Monday 5th July
Session 1 – Modelling infectious diseases
Session 2 – Multiscale modelling for healthcare
Day 2 – Tuesday 6th July
Session 3 – Imaging in healthcare
Session 4 – Biomechanics in healthcare
To view the full programme, visit the event page.
Please contact c.bee@liverpool.ac.uk or lcmh@liverpool.ac.uk with any queries.
The event will be held online (Zoom link to follow registration) and attendance is free of charge.
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