2014 Materials Research Exchange: UK Advanced Materials Showcase
Date: February 25, 2014 @ 8:30 AM
Location: Ricoh Arena, Coventry
The Materials KTN is hosting the 2014 Materials Research Exchange to showcase the UK’s Centres of Excellence in materials research and development – with the Medical Technologies IKC to host an exhibition space.
Aim and scope
Showcasing the richness of UK materials research to support the government’s view that advanced materials are amongst UK’s Eight Great Technologies
- Closer collaboration between industry and UK materials research base
- Increased public and private funding for UK materials research
- Private equity support for commercialising UK materials research
What are the benefits?
The expected outcomes from the event are:
- Increase UK and Overseas Industrial Funding for UK Materials Research
- Establishment testing of closer ties and identify opportunities for collaboration with the UK Materials Research base
- Highlight, Promote and Showcase the UK Materials Research base to UK public bodies (e.g. TSB, NHS, MOD and Government Departments) to encourage greater funding for R&D and New Product Development
Presentations, Seminars and Workshops
There will be keynote addresses by high-profile industrialists on the importance of materials research to the competitiveness of their business
EPSRC and the Technology Strategy Board will be staging a series of seminars and workshops
Poster Display and Competition
Exhibiting organisations are invited to send graduate research students to present their academic work by poster and a prize will be awarded to the poster that is judged to be the best by the audience. It is expected that posters would areas such as:
- Materials for sustainable energy generation, transmission, storage and efficient usage
- Lightweight materials to reduce energy consumption and emissions
- Materials with reduced environmental impact and approaches to reduce use of materials that may become scarce
- High-value added materials for healthcare and for asset and personal security
- Integration of new materials, coatings and flexible electronics to create smart devices
- Materials to survive in aggressive environments
Requests for poster space can be made via the online registration form.
Industrial representatives attend as delegates to view the stands and discuss the ideas presented. This event is free of charge to all visitors.
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