Case Study

Woundhealing regenerative gel

Date: October 22, 2019

A gel that combines with regenerative cells from the omentum, the fatty layer inside the abdomen, is being developed to support wound healing following colorectal surgery.

The project, a collaboration between regenerative cell therapy company, Cytori Therapeutics Inc. and the NIHR Surgical MedTech Co-operative, is being supported through an IKC proof of concept grant. The team, led by Surgical MIC clinical director, Professor David Jayne, have been testing the gel in the laboratory on wound healing models, with encouraging results.

“All the components of the gel are working well together, and the gel is able to support the growth and vitality of the regenerative cells,” said Professor Jayne. “We aim to begin the first pre-clinical tests during the summer, and if those are successful, to apply for further funding for larger scale tests and to support preparatory work for first-in-human trials.”

The aim is to use the gel initially to reduce the risk of anastomotic leaks following bowel cancer surgery, where re-joined sections of bowel fail to heal properly, with potentially fatal consequences.

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